Gulfport Pride ~ 5th Annual

Est. Attendance: 8,000

Location (GPS): 5500 Shore Blvd. S., Gulfport, FL 33707

Date: June 7, 2025 Time: 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM

Load in: 6:30 AM Load out: 8:01 PM ( Electricity is included. 100’ extension cord recommended)

Purpose: Fundraiser benefitting Local Charities.

Applicant Info: Our target audience is LGBTQ friendly. Please consider the theme and audience before submitting your application. Applications must include three (3) photos of work or items for sale and one (1) photo of outdoor booth set up. Applications will be reviewed by committee. Applying for an event does not guarantee acceptance. Confirmation or rejection of acceptance will be sent via e-mail and will not be given over the phone without prior written confirmation. A waiting list will be established in case of cancellation. Alternates will be made from the wait list at the discretion of the committee. *Applications must be paid at the time of submission. Booth fees are refundable in the event your application is not accepted.

Space Sizes:

  • Exhibitor Spaces are 10’x10’ – You must plan for your display to fit within your purchased/assigned space.
  • FOOD VENDOR spaces are sold by linear foot. Enter the total footage you'll need when open and fully operational, then recalculate to determine your fee.

Apply Online NOW SAVE $50 when you apply by 4/15/2025

Application Fee: $0.00

Artist/Crafter: $210 (Items must be handmade by the artist)

Fair Trade/Import: $260

Resale/Retail: $260

Commercial/Corporate: $1000

LGBTQ Charities/Non-Profits: $210 with proof of 501c3 designation

Sponsorships Available!  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Mainline Food Vendors: *$30.00 per linear foot – be sure to enter the correct length from tongue to bumper when fully operational then recalculate to fet your fee (Limited Availability) *

Single Item Food Vendors: ONE single snack or beverage item only. *$25.00 per linear foot – be sure to enter the correct length from tongue to bumper when fully operational then recalculate to get your fee (Limited Availability) *

Mainline and Single Item Food Vendor Applications must include complete menu with prices, copy of mobile vending permit or license and copy of insurance. Once approved, vendors must submit a certificate of insurance naming the City of Gulfport, Gulfport Pride Florida, Inc. and SIK Promotions, Inc. each as additional insured, and must also complete the Gulfport Fire Departments temporary permit application.

Exhibitor Cancellation Policy

NOTE: New Cancellation Policy as of June 15, 2024 - there will be a $50.00 cancellation fee for every canceled booking. *All cancellations must be made in writing via email.

30 days or more: If you cancel 30 days or more from the event set up date you will be offered 2 options:

  • Booth fee refund excluding the 8% processing fees PLUS a $50 administrative fee. Application fees are non-refundable.
  • Show credit may be offered for a future SIK Promotions, Inc. event and must be redeemed within one calendar year from the date of your original application.

8 - 29 Days: If you cancel 8-29 days from the event set up date, no refunds will be offered. Show credit may be available for a future SIK Promotions, Inc. event and must be redeemed within one calendar year from the date of your original application.

7 Days or less: If you cancel 7 days or less from the event set up date, no refunds or credits will be available.

Redeeming show credit: You must apply to a future SIK Promotions, Inc. show available within one calendar year from the date of your original application. Enter your show credit date in the “Notes Here” section and submit your application. Once a credit is applied to the event it is considered redeemed in full and is non-transferable. You will be notified via email if there is a balance due.

If you book and cancel twice within a calendar year, your fees will be non-refundable, and no credit will be offered for any future events.

Vendor Insurance: Vendors are encouraged to purchase event cancellation insurance to protect their investment in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Event Cancellation Policy

We will not cancel a show for inclement weather unless informed by state, city or local officials that it will be in the best interest of safety for all.

If an event is canceled by officials due to adverse weather, exhibitors will be notified via email and offered show credit towards a future SIK Promotions, Inc. event.

All events are rain or shine. No credits or refunds will be issued if the show is affected by forces of nature beyond our control during the event taking place.

Apply Online


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